• Year: 2018-2019
    Topic: Machine Learning Using Python
    Description: One week Short term training program on “Hands on : Machine Learning using Python”, conducted during 2nd July to 7th July 2018. Workshop mainly focused on hands on practices and research areas in the field of Machine learning. The invited speakers are renouned experts from industries who have explored the topics of Machine learning with respect to realtime case studies and applications very well.Workshop got successfully completed with 20+ participants enrolled including faculties and students.
  • Year: 2015-2016
    Topic: Cognos Tool
    Description: One week training on IBM Cognos Tool during Oct 24 – 28, 2015.

  • Year: 2015-2016
    Topic: Big Data Analytics
    Description: Two weeks ISTE-STTP on Parallel Processing & Big Data Analytics during June 29 – July 10, 2015.
  • Year: 2015-2016
    Topic: Design Of Algorithm
    Description: Two weeks ISTE STTP on Introduction to design of Algorithm during May 25- 30, 2015 by IIT Kharagpur under NMEICT .
  • Year: 2014-2015
    Topic: Computer Networking
    Description: Two week ISTE workshop on Computer Networking during May 28-June 29, 2014 and June 30-July 5, 2014 .
  • Year: 2013-2014
    Topic: Rational Quality Manager
    Description: IBM Rational SEED program ( Rational Quality Manager & Rational Functional Tester) during Nov 25-28, 2013 .
  • Year: 2013-2014
    Topic: Object Oriented Programming
    Description: One Week graded ISTE-STTP on Object Oriented. Programming Methodology with Lab exercises during July 8-12, 2013.